Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Wilderness Expedition 2016 Now On!

Hello Everyone!

The Wilderness Expedition 2016 Now On! When you first login you should at the dock where a campsite is set up!

One of the things I really like about this room is that when you go over to the Barbecue Grill, It starts a fire up! See here:

To start your journey, go over to the area with the sign and flags, in the same area where the fair would be:

Here is what it should look like when you enter:

I wonder how there is a wilderness here if this is the same place the Amazement Park was.

If you get lost you will get a note from sasquatch:

"Me got lost. Now me go back to start. Must find village!

Once you make your way through the whole maze you'll end up at the Sasquatch Village!

And there is also an interface where you can get a new item everyday!

That's the party! Be sure to check it out before it ends May 4th!


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