Friday, April 22, 2016

In Focus #1 - The Cave Expedition

Hello everyone!

Welcome to my very first in focus! I'll try to post one of these every other day :).

Today we look at the the first ever expedition, The Cave Expedition in January 2010!

The Cave Expedition was one of the 2 parties that had brand new cave rooms. One week in January 2010 after the Holiday Party of 2009, there was a rockslide in the mine:

So then we decided to dig it out as promised in the newspaper:

So then on January 22 we got to head down to the mine, and there was a small setup there:

So we grabbed our miners helmet and went down the new unexplored mineshaft system and once we got there we got to the cave mine which looks like this:

So as you can see there is a big pit full of dirt, we had to dig that with our new miners helmet (rare at the time) and try to find pieces to assemble an Amethyst which looks like this:

Once we assembled the Amethyst, a bolder will role over to open another cave up which was the Hidden Lake and looks like this:

 This looks like the Hidden Lake we all know, but its not. It was brand new and there was no access from the Forest at the time. There was also an item for sale, the Deep Sea Diving Suit, then after you get that, you have access to the Underwater Room:

You then come in, you did not need the key at the time because this room was brand new, and Puffle Rescue was not out yet, you would then get the Coral Reef Background as your Party Reward. Then after the party ended the new mine system has became permanent, and Puffle Rescue has came out. You from this day on now need a key to get underwater, and this is what the mine looked like afterwords:

This is not the Mine we know today. Hope you had fun reading this and I hope you tune in for more!


Thursday, April 21, 2016

May Items Exclusive Information

Hello Everyone! I will tell you now that May's Party will be a Zootopia Party, or we will just have Zootopia items in the Penguin Style. Here are some items that will be released:

The items look amazing! I love all the animal costumes, and of course the Judy Hops outfit! I can't wait to see what May's party will be!


Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Wilderness Expedition 2016 Now On!

Hello Everyone!

The Wilderness Expedition 2016 Now On! When you first login you should at the dock where a campsite is set up!

One of the things I really like about this room is that when you go over to the Barbecue Grill, It starts a fire up! See here:

To start your journey, go over to the area with the sign and flags, in the same area where the fair would be:

Here is what it should look like when you enter:

I wonder how there is a wilderness here if this is the same place the Amazement Park was.

If you get lost you will get a note from sasquatch:

"Me got lost. Now me go back to start. Must find village!

Once you make your way through the whole maze you'll end up at the Sasquatch Village!

And there is also an interface where you can get a new item everyday!

That's the party! Be sure to check it out before it ends May 4th!


Club Penguin Times Issue #547 Now Gave Out!

A new issue for the CPT is out now!!

Here is the featured story -

Here is the secondary story - 

Finally here are the Upcoming Events - 

As always I'll be posting the new newspaper every other week.


Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Wilderness Expedition Tomorrow! Ways to prep yourself!

Tomorrow is the Wilderness Expedition! Here are some ways to prep yourself!

    • Go get some coins, head to the Penguin Style or Wilderness Explorers page in the Snow and Sports catalog, purchase some new items and make an outfit!
    • Design your igloo in to a treehouse, tent, lodge, wild, etc. and show it to everyone!
    • Head to the Puffle Wild, and adopt a puffle relating to the wilds and bring it on your Expedition!
    • Go on a website and look at the 2011 Wilderness Expedition to get yourself ready to explore unexplored landmarks.
Good Look! Have fun tonight doing these steps!


Monday, April 18, 2016

New Blog

Hello Everyone!

Welcome to my new blog! First I wanna tell you a few things then I'll explain the routine. My blog is called the Penguin Market (Club Penguin Market). Its not an a place where you can buy stuff its the name of my blog.

Here is the routine:

I have not fully worked it out yet but I'll interview people every once in a while, I'll also be doing cp update blogs, Party Reviews, News, and something I thought of - "In Focus" blog posts. They posts where I talk about rooms, old parties, mini-games and other. I'll also be making posts about what I have been up to such as if there is a new rookie toon (if you know what that is) and other youtube videos and stuff along those lines!

Thanks for reading!

- Jess0426